Monday, July 14, 2008

Mosaics in Mexico

The People for the University, the University for the People.
Designed by David Alfaro Siqueios
Mosaic by the Perdomo Family Workshop


As the North American Distributor of Perdomo Smalti I am happy to announce the opening of Mosaics In Mexico in Cuernavaca, Mexico where our smalti is produced.

An extension of the Perdomo Family's Workshop, Mosaics In Mexico provides intermediate, professional and advanced mosaic workshops. With over 80 years experience in fabricating fine art smalti murals, MVM shares their unique artistic methods and passion for mosaic. Enjoy perfect weather, cultural arts and amazing food while advancing your smalti mosaic skills.

Workshops include "Modern Mosaics: An Exploration of Color & Texture" , "Smalti Intensive - Intermediate Level" and "Mosaic Portraiture - Intermediate/Professional Level". Visit or contact for more information. To keep posted on offrings, sign up for their newsletter!

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